From Innuendo and Rumor to Falsehoods and Conspiracies But with An Internet-Age Twist To It—Seen It All Before:
It turns out that QAnon was the mother of all pranks, and that President Donald Trump was the father of all sore losers. President Donald Trump seemed perfectly willing to shred the USA Constitution and divide the USA population simply to cling to power and circumvent the justice system. The USA Constitution is akin to a social contract. Much like glue, the USA Constitution is the one (rule-of-law) document that binds its residents together. The USA Constitution represents a roadmap to guide USA residents down a road that leads to orderly self-governance. It is a document that sets the ground rules or parameters of expected civic and civil conduct. USA residents are expected to stay within its basic Constitutional parameters of civility. Undermining the USA Constitution is akin to breaking the social contract. Undermining the USA Constitution represents the beginning of an inexorable march down a slippery slope that leads members of society down a path of lawlessness rather than the preferred path of civility and lawful conduct.
It turns out that QAnon was the mother of all pranks, and that President Donald Trump was the father of all sore losers. President Donald Trump seemed perfectly willing to shred the USA Constitution and divide the USA population simply to cling to power and circumvent the justice system. The USA Constitution is akin to a social contract. Much like glue, the USA Constitution is the one (rule-of-law) document that binds its residents together. The USA Constitution represents a roadmap to guide USA residents down a road that leads to orderly self-governance. It is a document that sets the ground rules or parameters of expected civic and civil conduct. USA residents are expected to stay within those basic Constitutional parameters of civility. Undermining the USA Constitution is akin to breaking the social contract. Undermining the USA Constitution represents the beginning of an inexorable march down a slippery slope that leads members of society down a path of lawlessness rather than the preferred path of lawful conduct.
The rule of just law matters. The alternative to the rule of law is for citizens to submit to a societal milieu characterized by anarchy, confusion, and chaos. Thieves, robbers, looters, armed rebels, and anarchists tend to flourish in a societal milieu where pandemonium thrives. The pandemonium provides a convenient cover for them to shield and conceal their dastardly and atrocious deeds in such a lawless societal milieu. About the last thing that the USA needs is for a rude, acrimonious, malevolent force or malevolent karma to be unleashed upon and engulf the country. Any President of the United States should know better than to provoke such undesirable, ill-intentioned sentiments or vibes when citizenry unity is preferred over citizenry distrust.
History will not reflect favorably on President Donald Trump for engaging in this type of treasonous and treacherous political conduct. Looking back on his election-related shenanigans and machinations to overturn the 2020 USA Presidential election results, quite likely, President Donald Trump will go down in the annals of history not as a patriot. Instead, quite likely, he will go down in the annals of history as a manipulative demagogue, hype-meister, pathological liar, scoundrel, and misleader whose Presidency resulted in dire and deadly consequences for the citizens of the USA both during and after his reign as President (notwithstanding his unveiling of Operation Warp Speed to combat COVID-19, notwithstanding his innovative approach to artificial-satellite tracking and satellite-debris tracking, and notwithstanding his very warm affinity for the nuclear juggernaut known as Russia—and his affinity for nuclear North Korea—hence, significantly lessening the specter of nuclear war occurring during his term in office). To be sure, any USA Presidential contender who proposes suspending the USA Constitution (as has been proposed by former President Donald Trump), he or she should not be given the time of day by voters, so to speak, let alone their votes. For President Donald Trump does not love America nearly as much as he loves himself and his own self-interests.
If playing the eugenics game is what it takes for former President Donald Trump to win a second term as President, then he is all in with that. With all of his allegations about "bad genes" and with his avowed commitment to round up and deport every illegal migrant in the USA whom he can apprehend, former President Donald Trump aspires to become the Chief Eugenics Officer of the USA. Let there be no mistake about it: If former President Donald Trump had his way, not only would he round up and deport all of the Haitians residing in Springfield, Ohio but also he would round up and deport every black resident of the USA to Africa whether they are USA citizens or not. The reason why former President Donald Trump would take these drastic deportation actions is because, in his heart of heart, he perceives that this group of residents harbors "bad genes" and that members of this group are "poisoning the blood" of white America (never mind that former President Donald Trump is the one who has been sued for and accused of committing more crimes than the average minority would even contemplate committing; one would think that, much like Adolf Hitler before him, former President Donald Trump is the one who possesses the so-called "bad genes" based on his record). Former President Donald Trump is despicable. He is a menace to democracy. History, ultimately, will record that former President Donald Trump would willingly defecate all over the USA Constitution if it means that he gets to remain in power.
The last thing the USA needs is to have to endure four more years of tumult, turmoil, trauma, and drama resulting from a second Trump Presidency (that is, if he is elected to a second term). USA politicians do not get anymore corrupt than one Donald Trump. Not only is Donald Trump a liar and a cheater but also he virtually is a one-person crime spree, that is to say, based on his two impeachments and based on the four indictments that he faces as of 2024—not to mention Donald Trump's many cohorts who already have been charged with, convicted of, and/or sentenced to serve time behind bars for various acts of criminal wrongdoing. Forget about notions of political or legal accountability. Where is the morality in this Donald Trump phenomenon?
The above "Extra! Extra! Extra! Read All About It!" section of this page was intended as satire. In reality, it really does appear as if Russian President Vladimir Putin got his revenge on the USA in the person of Donald Trump. It appears as if Donald Trump has turned out to be President Vladimir Putin's secret weapon against the USA. It also appears as if Donald Trump's secret weapon of political success is that of tapping into or evoking an emotion known as "white pride" while, at the same time, he indulges himself in his Adolf Hitler-like oratory, leadership, and messiah psychological complex. Yet, Adolf Hitler has already proven that tapping into the ugliest, eugenic-type aspects of human nature can lead to very tragic and very deadly outcomes in the long run—not to mention the tragic and deadly outcomes that have resulted from campaigns of ethnic, tribal, and religious cleansing throughout the world both before and after Adolf Hitler emerged on the world's stage. Adolf Hitler did not hold a monopoly on committing acts of human cruelty, barbarism, atrocities, and murder. The Trump approach to life sets forth the specter of ongoing division and strife in multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious USA society in the long run rather than fostering ongoing societal unity and harmony. So, there you have it without any assist from those feisty space aliens, that is, for those who are trying to grasp the rise of Donald Trump as a potent force on the political scene.
As a side note, a distinction should be made between so-called "white pride" and so-called "black pride." Black pride emerged from a place of socioeconomic disadvantage for black Americans. Until the Civil Rights Movement, passage of civil rights legislation, and passage of Great Society legislation during the 1950's and 1960's, racial segregation and discrimination against black Americans reigned supreme with black USA citizens generally deemed as second-class citizens. When "black pride" was a thing during the 1960's and 1970's, it was meant to connote a quest by black Americans to move up the USA's socioeconomic ladder and for black Americans to be accepted as equal citizens in USA society. The "white pride" distinction of the 2010's and 2020's is that white Americans have always been deemed as first-class citizens. White Americans have always controlled the levers of power in the USA. The notion of "white pride" seems to connote a fear of a coming non-white takeover in the USA, that is, by those white Americans who harbor such takeover sentiments. Tensions tend to rise and become particularly pronounced when there is competition for limited job opportunities. White Americans are not accustomed to being the minority. White Americans are not accustomed to taking orders from non-white Americans, in general, and from black Americans, in particular. It feeds into long-held perceptions of racial superiority and inferiority.
As noted in the next video, perhaps former Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley summed it up best about President Trump's political transgressions during his tenure as President.
In a poignant moment that should resonate with black voters regarding former President Trump's con artist, bait-and-switch, and lying propensities, at his 09-June-2024 Las Vegas political election rally, former President Trump emphatically remarked, "By the way, isn't that breeze nice. You feel the breeze? Because I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care. See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'" At that particular moment and during those remarks, former President Trump obviously was directing his remarks at those attendees who chose to leave his rally early [due to the searing heat, perhaps]. But, in reference to his courting of black voters, his ["I don't care about you. I just want your vote."] remarks ring true. That is to say, his remarks can be viewed as just another con job simply to secure more votes from black Americans in his bid to regain the 2024 USA Presidency. The black American voter, in particular, and the American voter, in general, have to look no farther than the Trojan Horse better known as 2025 Presidential Transition Project to grasp and appreciate the true aspirations of the Real Donald J. Trump.
A favorite refrain of former President Trump at his political rallies is to tell the fable of the scorpion and the frog. describes the moral of fable as teaching "…that vicious people cannot resist hurting others even when it is not in their own interests." Could it be that Project 2025 is the scorpion and that ordinary citizens are the frog?
As for those who opt to remain silent, apathetic, or acquiescent in the face former President Trump's slow but steady drift towards autocracy and fascism, it is useful to remember the following "First they came…" rumination by Martin Niemöller:
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
In other words, in the above context, you just might be opting to remain silent, apathetic, or acquiescent at your own peril. In the long run, for those who opt to remain silent, apathetic, or acquiescent to former President Trump's autocratic and fascist propensities and evocations, quite possibly, they, too, could end up losing the very freedoms that they have come to enjoy and relish.
With respect to former President Trump's unending assertions of election fraud, a more simplified version of Martin Niemöller's "First they came…" rumination would be the popular expression that says:
Fool me once [in 2016], shame on you
Fool me twice [in 2024], shame on me
There is no honor in cheating to win. For, if there existed honor in cheating to win, then cheating would be allowed in all echelons of amateur and professional sports. Cheating would be allowed on Wall Street and in corporate board rooms. Cheating would be permitted in all echelons of education and academia. Cheating would be allowed throughout the gambling industry. Cheating even would be a permitted in political elections. Quite the contrary, societies have enacted regulations, laws, and severe civil and criminal penalties to discourage, curtail, and stop the practice of engaging in cheating to win.
A bitter irony is this about former President Donald Trump's assertions of voter fraud and a rigged 2020 USA Presidential election: Despite all of the subsequent post-election efforts to pass legislation to combat or preempt alleged incidences of voter fraud, it turns out that the only major perpetrator of attempted election fraud during the 2020 USA Presidential election was none other than President Donald Trump himself—or his surrogates acting on his behalf (see, for instance, the cast of characters in the above sidebar images who have faced judicial prosecution allegedly for various acts of political wrongdoing). Go figure. Even before former President Donald Trump can win the 2024 USA Presidential election and take office, his political surrogates have already begun to engage in dubious conduct (for example, a member of former President Donald Trump's entourage pushing aside the cemetary employee at Arlington National Cemetery or Elon Musk passing out hundreds and even millions of dollars to boost voter engagement in the 2024 USA Presidential electoral process in certain so-called swing states). To be sure, Elon Musk's $1 million USD per day giveaway puts the spotlight back on the Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which permits unlimited spending on USA elections and tilts the political scale in favor of the political interests of the wealthy. Imagine how former President Donald Trump and his surrogates would conduct themselves in government if former President Donald Trump actually won the 2024 USA Presidential election. It turns out former President Donald Trump actually did win the 2024 USA Presidential election. Already, before former President Donald Trump can take office in 2025, one of his top aides is alleged to have engaged in the corrupt act of engaging in pay-to-play in return for high-level job recommendations in the new Trump administration. Such corrupt actions send a signal to foreign adversaries that USA government officials and policies are for sale to the highest bidder. Indeed, one of former President Donald Trump's first acts after winning the election was to engage in self-dealing by promoting a new line of Trump guitars.
It is as if all of the across-the-board, anti-voter-fraud legislative efforts were being misdirected. For, if the truth must be told, the main source of the problem and political virulence appears not to be with the voting process per se. The main source of the problem and political virulence appears to be with the use of the current Electoral College system to select the USA President rather than, say, simply relying on a majority popular vote to select the USA President. To be sure, for those Presidential aspirants who are inclined to engage in political mischief, President Donald Trump has demonstrated quite vividly that the Electoral College system provides a wide-open mechanism or outlet for all kinds of shenanigans and manipulations to occur in an effort to change the outcome of a USA Presidential election. One has to admire the British who held an election of 04-July-2024. Promptly on 05-July-2024, the newly elected British prime minister [Keir Starmer] moved into 10 Downing Street and took over the reigns of governing power without, months later, having to go through the mechanics of a sometimes flawed Electoral College process whereby the winner of the popular vote does not always ascend to the USA Presidency. It only should take a free and fair popular vote and then that should be the end of the election story. Simple. The Electoral College, on the other hand, seems designed for those who might be tempted to try to cheat or game the electoral process regardless of the popular vote.
It should be evident to the reader that I am not a supporter of former President Trump as a political leader, which is the exclusive prerogative of citizens in a democratic society whereby citizens are afforded the freedom to choose which politicians they wish to support. Yet, given the shocking, tragic, and troubling attempted assassination of former President Trump on 13-July-2024, it fills me with relief to know that former President Trump was not seriously harmed by the would-be assassin. I roundly condemn and vehemently abhor all forms of violence, in general, and firearm-related violence, in particular. Violence and hatred are not the ways forward into the future for the peoples of the Earth to strive for, in general, and for the residents of the USA to strive for, in particular.
I, for one, am relieved to know that former President Trump survived the attempt on his life without serious injury (while I mourn the lives of those who were killed or injured in the 13-July-2024 shooting). At the same time, I sincerely hope that former President Trump reflects on the entire tragic experience by doing some deep and abiding soul searching. I hope that his attempted murder by another gives former President Trump pause for introspection and moves him to encourage members of his own political party to refrain from espousing both inflammatory and irresponsible Second Amendment remedies type of violent political rhetoric. It is no secret that former President Trump is renowned for his propensity to serially mock, ridicule, belittle, lambast, denigrate, and disparage others, all of which set the tone for bad karma throughout the broader society when a leader routinely indulges in this type of harmful and hurtful conduct. It also is not unusual for former President Trump to hastily blame others for all of the trials, tribulations, and travails that he must undergo in his various court proceedings. The truth of the matter is that former President Trump has nobody but himself to blame for his legal troubles and not the so-called weaponized deep state.
The theme of this page is about fake news. It is exhausting—the lying, deception, name calling, and subterfuge, that is. So, in closing, following is some more fakery for you to ponder as food for thought:
These charlatans and their different kinds of fakery and cons are tailor-made for the gullible and the uninformed. With the rise of artificial intelligence, even the most informed citizens are susceptible into being tricked.
As a final side note, I am certain that ex-President Donald Trump's daughter (Ivanka) and his son-in-law (Jared) had the best of intentions and meant to do good jobs when they held designated positions in his Presidential administration. I am certain that their efforts to make the country better were sincere and laudable. Regrettably, they, too, became ensnared in the hyper-partisan politics of the moment, which was characteristic of an often unhinged, bombastic, and high-appointee-turnover Trump Presidency. Wasn't it Anthony Scaramucci who lasted all of eleven days in his appointed role as White House Communications Director in the Trump administration?
In the above satirical (sidebar) images, I poked fun at Donald Trump's claim of being a stable genius. It turns out that his launch of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which comprises Truth Social, was a stroke of genius—or luck—given its present market value and given its balance sheet as of 2024. That is to say, Donald Trump is poised to earn billions of dollars (USD) from the TMTG transaction.
Warmest congratulations to, Donald Trump, the former 45th and newly elected 47th President of the USA beginning on 20-January-2025. He prevailed in the 2024 Presidential election; this time around, in 2024, he really did win compared to his run for the Presidency in 2020. As if civility and the rule of law do not matter, I must admit that it was baffling for me to witness how a majority of the USA voting populace seemed to have had a problem with the crime-fighting candidate [Harris] who favored diversity and inclusion for all (also known as DEI) and who was prone to tell the truth while a majority of the voting populace did not seem to have a problem with the civilly and criminally convicted candidate [Trump] who sometimes channeled or invoked Adolf Hitler by sometimes spewing Nazi rhetoric during the Presidential campaign and who was prone to tell lies. It is all a moot point now that the election is over. The voters have spoken. Donald Trump has been declared the winner. Donald Trump has been granted a second opportunity at the USA Presidency by the voting public. So, here's to wishing Donald Trump all the best and a successful 47th Presidency. I can only cross my fingers and hope that all of my misgivings about him do not come to pass. Time will tell. 🤞
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